German Premiere

Diary of an Elephant Orphan

Hermien Roelvert-Van Gils / South Africa / 2023 / 83 min

A baby elephant has lost its parents and now faces slim chances of survival. A group of wildlife conservationists takes the elephant in and cares for it, naming it Khanyisa, which means ‘sunshine’. The documentary takes us on a moving journey, following Khanyisa’s search for a new family. Since a wild elephant herd is unlikely to accept an orphaned youngster, Khanyisa’s rescuers set out to find a herd of orphaned elephants that was rescued twenty-five years ago.



Year 2023
Production Country South Africa
Runtime 83 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language English
Premiere Status German Premiere
Direcetor Hermien Roelvert-Van Gils
Producer Hermien Roelvert-Van Gils
Editing Hermien Roelvert-Van Gils, Melissa Parry