Pitch: Sisterqueens
Oct 15, 2024, 10.00 AM @ Festival Center D'24
Event language: English
Over a period of four transformative years, Jamila (9), Rachel (11), and Faseeha (12) from the Sisterqueens rap crew challenge societal norms, confront biases, and battle gender expectations. The inseparable best friends, who live in the heart of Berlin, raise poignant questions about the complexities of self-determination, identity, and the pursuit of equality. Faseeha confronts the limits of artistic expression, Rachel ponders what self-empowerment means to her, and Jamila questions the role of the police. Amid their contemplative reflections, the three girls craft rap verses that skillfully disrupt conventions, redefining feminism one verse at a time.
Impact goals
- Have three politicians commit to putting funding for adolescent cultural institutions (back) on the agenda.
- Use our social media channel to create a platform for young girls, women, and FLINTA communities to empower each other and drive local change on a societal as well as political level.
- Put on 5+ special film screenings to obtain support and provide maintenance for social youth institutions that encourage critical thinking and self-determination.
To achieve this, we would like to....
- organize a funding and impact cinema tour with 100 screenings;
- launch creative writing empowerment workshops to accompany the cinema tour;
- develop a toolkit for our empowerment workshops and DIY screenings; and
- find partners who can mobilize, co-create, and/or fund transgenerational screenings and workshops with us, such as NGOs, foundations, and educational institutions, as well as creatives, musicians, artists, or simply rap fans and feminists.
At The Good Media Pitch, we are looking for…
- politicians who will commit to fighting to support and preserving youth centres,
- funding for the impact cinema tour,
- amplification for our film and our cause, and
- energetic supporters and community builders.
Program Info

Clara Stella Hüneke

Ida Hausdorf