German Premiere
Competition D'24

My Sextortion Diary

Patricia Franquesa / Spain / 2024 / 64 min

Two months after a young film-maker’s laptop is stolen, an anonymous hacker begins threatening to release intimate photos of her. In emails, he demands money and threatens to send her photos to over three hundred contacts. When Patricia Franquesa realizes that the Spanish police and judiciary are powerless to help her against the hacker, she decides to document her fight. An attempt to regain control and self-determination.


18.10. / Kant Kino
Patricia Franquesa


Kant Kino
Patricia Franquesa


Year 2024
Production Country Spain
Runtime 64 min
FSK Not rated
Languages Spanish, English, Catalan
Subtitle English
Premiere Status German Premiere
Director Patricia Franquesa
Producers Patricia Franquesa, Mireia Graell
Editing Ana Žugić, Patricia Franquesa
Sounddesign Laia Casanovas
Filmstill "Black Box Diaries"


Black Box Diaries

17. Oct / 17:30 / Kant Kino
19. Oct / 19:00 / Sputnik Kino
As a journalist, Shiori Ito always dreamed of telling other people’s stories. Now the Japanese journalist is telling her own: Ito was raped by an influential, older colleague. In her film, she shows what it means when a justice system fails.

Virtual Experience

Draw for Change

10. Oct / 10:00 / Festival Center D'24
This virtual reality experience will take you into Maremoto’s world, showing how the young Mexican caricaturist works. With her art, Maremoto fights for equal rights, empowers other women, and criticizes patriarchal structures.


We Iranian Women

11. Oct / 19:00 / Sputnik Kino
14. Oct / 19:00 / Sputnik Kino
This film showcases courageous Iranian women risking their lives to fight economic crises, corruption, and the patriarchy. Prominent women from the fields of culture, art, and science share their stories of being forced to leave their beloved country.